The most comprehensive tool for building your HACCP plans.

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HACCP Plans Management

Create all of your HACCP plans (Forms 1 to 10) by using reliable and tested generic models in order to facilitate the development and/or the daily maintenance of your HACCP plans.

Product Ingredients and Incoming Materials
Create your own list of product ingredients and incoming materials using our complete and up to date database of products and materials. (More than 2,000 product ingredients and incoming materials)

Processing Steps
Select your processing steps using our complete and up to processing steps database (More then 476 processing steps) and create all of your process flow diagrams with our easy to use flow diagram engine.

Automated Forms 5,6,7,8 and 9
Based on your product ingredients and incoming materials selected in Form 2 and based on your processing steps selected in Form 3, My Haccp Plan software automatically builds :
- All necessary Biological Hazards (Form 5)
- All necessary Chemical Hazards (Form 6)
- All necessary Physical Hazards (Form 7)
- All Critical Control Points Determination (Form 8)
- All Hazards not controlled by Operator (Form 9)

All you need to do is revise and modify, if necessary.
Eliminate 100% paper
Your HACCP plans (Forms 1 to 10) can be gathered into one single file or divided by forms, just like a Word or Excel document. My Haccp Plan software also enables you to export your HACCP plans in Adobe Acrobat format (.pdf) and/or to print them directly.

The perfect tool for the HACCP coordinator
My Haccp Plan software has been thought and developed specifically for helping HACCP Coordinators in the process of putting in place their HACCP System.

Find out how My Haccp Plan software allows you to easily manage your HACCP plans.

My Haccp Plan software covers all types of food products !
Are you a slaughtering, processing or cold storage establishment ? My Haccp Plan software ensures the control of all types of operations for all types of food products!

Slaughtering Beef, Pork, Veal, Poultry, Horse, Lamb, Sheep, Ostrich, Rabbit, ...
Hatchery Eggs, Processed Eggs, ...
Ready-to-eat Sandwiches, Pies, Quiches, Seafoods, Cookies, Condiments, Confectioneries, Bakery, Nuts, Oil, Fish, ...
Processing Meat, Honey, Maple Product, Dairy Product, Juice, Fruit, Vegetable, ...
Canning and Bottling Fruit, Vegetable, Meat Product, Dairy Product, Soup, ...
Cold and Dry Storage Fish, Vegetable, Meat Product, Dairy Product, Fruit, Honey, Seafood, Maple Product, ...